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Exam Certifications
PACE Review Course
This interactive, in-depth 7 week online review course, co-sponsored with the National Federation of Paralegal Association (NFPA), prepares the practicing paralegal to sit for the Paralegal Advanced Competency Exam (“PACE”). It is taught by a Registered Paralegal with teaching credentials and who passed the PACE exam herself in 2005. She has taught the review course for the last 16 years for the Advanced Paralegal Institute (API). She will mentor you on how to study effectively and efficiently to increase your chances of passing the exam on the first try.
When offering our review courses to paralegals, our mission was to ensure they were taught by practicing paralegals
who have taken the exams and have the exact credential you are seeking. The success of our review course can be
attributed to its interactive nature. This is not a webinar nor does it contain pre-recorded lectures. The class is
taught in a virtual classroom setting for 7 weeks. Our Certified Paralegal Instructor can answer questions, mentor,
direct each student to additional study materials, and support the student through the testing process having gone
through it herself.
Students will assess their strengths and weaknesses in the various domains and focus on the material covered in
these domains. At the end of each unit are sample test questions used to test students’ knowledge of the subject
matter and to acquaint them with the types of questions that appear on PACE as well as practical assignments
designed to provide students with the practical experience to help them answer the PACE multiple choice questions.
There will also be instruction on how to tackle a multiple choice examination and more importantly, on how to take
a computerized test.
PCCE Review Course
This interactive, in-depth 7 week online review course, co-sponsored with the National Federation of Paralegal Association (NFPA), prepares the practicing paralegal to sit for the Paralegal Core Competency Exam (“PCCE”). It is taught by a paralegal instructor with teaching credentials and more importantly, the instructor has earned both the Core Registered Paralegal (CRP) credential and the PACE Registered Paralegal Credential. She has taught the review course for the last several years for the Advanced Paralegal Institute (API) and since the inception of the exam itself. She will mentor you on how to study effectively and efficiently to increase your chances of passing the exam on the first try.
When offering our test prep review courses to paralegals, our mission was to ensure they were taught by practicing
paralegals who have taken the exams and have the exact credential you are seeking. The success of our review
course can be attributed to its interactive nature. This is not a webinar nor does it contain pre-recorded lectures. The
class is taught in a virtual classroom setting utilizing our Moodle network for 7 weeks. Our Certified Paralegal
Instructor can answer questions, mentor, direct each student to additional study materials, and support the student
through the testing process having gone through it herself.
Students will assess their strengths and weaknesses in the various domains and focus on the material covered in
these domains. Each unit contains pre and post test questions used to test students’ knowledge of the subject
matter and to acquaint them with the types of questions that appear on the PCCE exam as well as practical
assignments designed to provide students with the practical experience to help them answer the PACE multiple
choice questions. There will also be instruction on how to tackle a multiple choice examination and more
importantly, on how to take a computerized test.
If you would like to learn more about the National Federation of Paralegal Association and its exam please click on this link:
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